Archery Type 40lbs Fiberglass Recurve Limbs High Quality Bows Arrows Profes

US $112.36 Original Price : US $162.84 (31%)  

Limited Offer Archery Type 40lbs Fiberglass Recurve Limbs High Quality Bows Arrows Profes with Free Shipping Worldwide!


Product description


68/70'' Archery ILF Type 40lbs Fiberglass Recurve Bow Limbs High Quality for Bows and Arrows Professional level Hunting Shooting -Suitable for professional-level international & domestic competitions, game, and training. -Original imported competitive recurve bow limbs, special high-elastic glass fiber material and ceramic foam core material. -Precision,Faster & Stabilization. -Each is hand tuned and tested as it is being built so it will perform perfectly for you.

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